Educational games for children aged 5-9 years. Learning to read the clock. Learning to read the time.
"Learning the clock and time" is a learning program from one of the leading providers of educational software in Germany. The app includes 7 lessons. Each lesson includes a learning part and a game.
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Lesson1, including games, is free. The price for the full version is 3,2 EUR .
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Our newest educational game:
The children's speech therapy app: exercises and games for pronunciation
Lesson 1: full hours
1.1. Lesson: What do we need the clock for?
1.2. Lesson: The clock - introduction (learning content: the hours, the hour and minute hands)
1.3. Lesson: the digital clock
1.4. Lesson: full hours (learning content: reading the time using the hour hand - only the whole hours)
4 games
Lesson 2: The day has 24 hours
2.1. Lesson: The day has 24 hours (on one day, the hour hand runs twice over the clock, moving the hands changes the time of day)
2.2. Try it! (The children move the hands of the clock and for each hour another picture is displayed, for example breakfast, school trip, lunch, etc.)
6 games
Lesson 3: half an hour
3.1. Session: Pieces of a cake - half hour explanation with the help of a cake
3.2. Lesson: half an hour - explanation of how to recognize the half hour on the clock
3.3. Lesson: How many minutes is there for half an hour?
5 games
Lesson 4: Quarter Hours
4.1. Session: Parts of a cake - explanation of the quarter-hours with the quarters of a cake
4.2. Lesson: Recognize quarter hours - quarter hours on the clock
4.3. Lesson: How many minutes does a quarter of an hour have?
5 games
Lesson 5: three quarters of an hour
5.1. Lesson: the three-quarters of an hour - explanation of the three quarters of an hour on the clock face
5.2. Lesson: How many minutes is there for an hour and a quarter?
5 games
Lesson 6: Minutes
(to simplify the children learn "It's six o'clock and 40 minutes"
6.1. Lesson: "minutes" Explanation of the minutes and hours using the hands, one hour has 60 minutes
6.2. Lesson: "reading the minutes" - with a click, children can follow how time changes
6.3. Lesson: "Seconds" - Explanation of the function of the third, very thin hand on the clock
6 games
Lesson 7: Another way to read the clock
7.1. Another way to read the clock - the oral variant of reading the time "in 20 minutes it is 4 o'clock" instead of "three o'clock and 40 minutes"
5 games
1.) Try it!
Move the hour hand and observe in the picture what you are doing in the displayed time
2.) setting the pointer
Use the hands to set the clock to 3:20 (transmission from digital to analog clock)
3.) Test
4 dials are displayed, find the clock which is e.g. 11:45 clock displays
4.) setting the digital clock
Click on the clock, which shows the same time as the clock with the hands (transmission from the analog to the digital clock)
5.) Connect the pictures
Connect the two pictures, which belong together, photography and digital time display
6.) Count to!
The clock with the hands indicates the time and the children are supposed to count
a) How many minutes are missing on the hour
b) How many hours are left until midnight (Important: pay attention to the symbol night / day)