Relaxation is one method of dealing with distress and anxiety. One of the behavioral techniques is the so-called safe place where we focus in our imagination and which allows us to distance ourselves from the distress and fear we experience. The relax-APP VR application offers such a safe place, generated in virtual reality. After putting on 3D glasses and using the phone on which the application is installed, we can find ourselves on a paradise island among relaxing images and sounds. Using a controller in the form of a joystick, we can walk around this island, look at the ocean, stop between the trees, look at the fish in the pond or watch the ships at sea. Being in this space can help ease distress and anxiety. The application is used for effective relaxation after experiencing everyday distress as well as for relieving anxiety. Using it can help you better control your emotions and, as a result, reduce the negative effects of stress on your health. The application was designed by prof. dr hab. Marek Krzystanek, psychiatrist and cognitive behavioral psychotherapist.