AzzA v
Very useful and the easiest POS I've ever tried, been using this app for 2 years and i planned to upgrade to the PRO version cause I need more than 1000 items data. But not for now, cause sadly the app still have a lot of bugs, like "A LOT", maybe in the future when most of the bugs are fixed.
12 people found this review helpful
PT Kasir Pintar Internasional
16 May 2023
Hai kak, mohon maaf terkait bug tersebut silakan disampaikan ke CS melalui aplikasi di menu Kontak Kami dan Bantuan untuk pengecekan lebih lanjut. Semoga sehat dan sukses selalu ~NA
Adi Yuliardi
Not reliable. It crash. My shop was a caos since i cant login to my account.its a waste of money. I already subscribe for a year and they gave nothing for my loss that because of the trouble on their system. It is still trouble now. More than an hour in a business hour.
35 people found this review helpful
PT Kasir Pintar Internasional
10 January 2022
Hai kak, kami infokan bahwa server kami sedang dalam proses maintenance. Aplikasi tetap dapat dijalankan secara offline, namun mohon untuk tidak di log out sebelum bisa terhubung ke internet. Hal ini guna mencegah data hilang. Kami akan memperbaikinya segera. Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya dan mohon upgrade ratingnya ya kak. Terima kasih ~NA