Niko Aleksander Donovan
So, the game was fun. However, the ding is obnoxiously loud and affects my sensory disorder, the game is rather simple (but still fun), and after a certain amount of levels the game restarts all over from the beginning. Honestly, it's a really really good concept, and it WAS fun! Just make sure to tone the ding down and add more levels. I shouldn't have to play it on mute, and I don't think it should be posted if all it does is restart from the beginning once you finish the available levels.
universal travelerr
It has a good concept and could be a simple game to pass the time. Only problem with it is that it restarts after round 5 and you can get through them super quickly and easily. It would also be nice if there was an option to turn down/off the volume. Since there are no other reviews though, I understand if it is a newer game, so I decided to cut some slack and give 3 stars instead of 2 stars.
1 person found this review helpful
Taylor LaBeff
I got to the big level about him having a twin sister and then it just starts back over and I thought oh maybe I need to get it right on the first try so I played the levels again and got back to the twin one again and got it right and it starts me back at level one and all the levels stay the same so I'm confused on what the point is