Trim Points gives you the opportunity to participate in training competitions across the country. Get points by going for walks in the forests and mountains.
Training Competitions are held usually of a fitness center - and more points are awarded in the competition by "checking in" on uteposter in addition to training in the center. Check in opens only when you are within a certain distance (for example 50 meters) to utepostens recorded position.
Some competitions are open only for training centers' members, others are open to everyone.
When you register within the app you can choose to create a new team or join a team that someone else has created.
The creator made getting a lagkode as other team members must register with.
If you want to attend alone is just fine - you just fail to invite others.
All must register in the app the first time Trim Points used. Password will be sent via SMS.
The creator of a team can upload a lagbilde. Lagbildet will appear in the app and on the competition website.