>> A documentary base:
- Photo library: find detailed and illustrated sheets of a large part of the weeds of corn.
- Determination grid: easily identify grasses using a determination grid.
- Spectra: access the efficiency spectra of corn herbicide products on the market and Syngenta solutions.
>> A simulation tool for advisors:
- Choice of a strategy: compare the efficiency of Syngenta strategies according to your baskets of weeds.
- Field solutions: access Syngenta solutions with the most suitable doses for the weeds observed on the plot and at the corn stage.
- Comparison: functionality only available on the iPad version, Proximaïs iTech allows weeds to be compared with each other as well as the efficiency spectra of solutions and products.
>> A customizable platform:
- Personalized data: personalize your application by adding your own photos of weeds and creating your baskets of weed flora.
Proximaïs iTech is accessible to anyone with a validated account with Syngenta France SAS contacts. When using the application for the first time, we recommend that you have a WiFi connection to activate your account.