D. Montgomery
( These next few days, beginning 12-23-2022) this app will truly be tested. Wave 3 weather app is a very good tool to have at hand especially during inclamate, potential dangerous weather. I do like this app but..there are many areas where improvements could be made (imo) too many false notifications. Way too many ads. Hoping the app improves. I am an avid lifelong Wave 3 news fan and would love to like the Wave weather app just as much. Merry Christmas to All and to All...Stay Warm :-)
4 people found this review helpful
It's sad that all of the weather apps in Louisville are getting less advanced & less useful but that's the way it is. This is no exception. Once upon a time we could get an interactive map that showed projected future weather pattern, but no more. We can look out window & see what's going on now. Hourly page tells us % chances but doesn't tell us what areas that rain front may effect, so is also effectively useless. I've tried this app before & uninstalled for excessive ads. We'll see.....
10 people found this review helpful
A Google user
Edited Review...changes in the app and increased ads make it crash often and not work correctly. So frustrating that I uninstalled it today. My original review: I can pinpoint my location, get great radar layers, see storms in action, lots of other great layers you can add to the map. Earthquake layer is interesting! Love that it sends weather alerts
2 people found this review helpful