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Application as such works well, but they are doing updates in a way, your saved login data will disappear and you need physical card to login again. It happend already 2 times to me, when I needed to open electronic card in the app at doctor premise, I was not able to login. Last time there were a message we are changing the way how to login .. Responsible person for IT department should get feedback, how to do releases and what are the best practices..
Dobrý deň, na prihlasovanie už nepotrebujete prihlasovacie údaje - meno a heslo. Po aktualizácii je potrebné prejsť opätovnou registráciou alebo overením a následne používate už len PIN alebo biometriu. Lucia
Branislav “branuloo” Mazur
Add support to app resolve all options and tools direct in app without opening 3d party browser. It's not good for user experience
Dobrý deň, Branislav. nové prihlásenie do aplikácie je natívne, bez potreby preklikávania sa do prehliadača. Lucia
Good but could be better. The error messages aren't always what the problem really is. Say, when I was uploading a doc and it didnt want to accept my iban with spaces inbetween (as copied from my bank), it said check your internet connection, but i just had to delete the spaces and it worked.
2 people found this review helpful
Dobrý deň. Ďakujeme za hodnotenie. Ak bude problém pretrvávať, napíšte nám, prosím, na aplikacia@dovera.sk s uvedením Vášho IČP z preukazu poistenca spolu s typom mobilného telefónu a verziou operačného systému. Radi to preveríme. Ďakujeme. Lucia