La Visura allows all Italian citizens to request a free CATASTAL VISA for properties or land in Italian territory.
The view is essential to know data such as the CATASTALE RETURN and the CATEGORY. This data is necessary for the calculation of the IMU and for the sale or purchase of property or land.
Architects, surveyors, engineers, technicians and ordinary citizens can request a visura on the move thanks to this application!
NOTE! To request the visura you use the site of the territory agency (
For this reason, the application can not do anything more than the site of the territory agency, limiting itself to centralize and optimize the official website of the territory's agency adapting it to the screens of Android mobile devices.
The main features are:
- optimized display of the official website of the territory agency;
- memorization of the tax code (it is automatically converted with capital letters);
- possibility to choose the screen orientation at any time;
- possibility to save the requested visions on file;
- the saved views can be viewed, sent by email and / or shared (bluetooth, Google Drive or other);