Running pace calculator

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Captura de pantalla
Captura de pantalla
Captura de pantalla
Captura de pantalla
Captura de pantalla
Captura de pantalla
Captura de pantalla

Información de la aplicación

Running time calculator.

Are you looking for a tool to help you plan your training sessions?

Do you need to analyze different career strategies?

Would you like to quickly determine the appropriate training rhythms according to your plan?

Do you frequently calculate rhythms, times and distances?
With this application you can solve them in a simple and intuitive way.


✅ Rhythm calculation (PACE).
Rhythm calculation (PACE) from entering a distance and a time. The result will be given in min/km.

👉 A race distance and an objective time to achieve it must be entered, the app will determine the rhythm (min x km) necessary to comply with the combination of both parameters.
👉 The most usual race distances (10k, half marathon and marathon) are available for quick selection, regardless of the entry of another specific distance.
👉 For example, answer the question: What pace should I run to complete 10k in 50 minutes?

✅ Time calculation from given a specific distance and rhythm.
Calculation of the time that will take a race from entering a distance and a rhythm.

👉 A distance should be entered in km. + Mts. and a rhythm in min/km. The result will be given in HS: min: sec.
👉 For example, answer the question: how long will it take to complete the 21K if I run at a rate of 6 '35 ""The kilometer?

✅ Distance calculation from a specific rhythm and time.
Calculation of the distance that will travel in a specific time and rhythm.

👉 A time must be entered (in HS: min: sec) and a rhythm (in min/km). The result will be given in km + mts.
👉 For example, answer the question: What a distance will I travel if I run 1 hour and 35 minutes in a rhythm of 6:45 min/km?

✅ forecast or predictive:
If you know your race time for 5K or 10K distances and want to get an estimate of what could be running in another higher distance race you can use the forecast or predictive race time.
👉 It allows an estimate of time for the 21K or 42K from the times obtained in 5K or 10K.
👉 Simply select the distance (5K or 10K) and enter your best time (HS: min: sec).

This app is free and has no restrictions on the amount of calculations to be performed."
Última actualización
18 jul 2024

Seguridad de los datos

La seguridad empieza por entender cómo los desarrolladores recogen y comparten tus datos. Las prácticas de privacidad y seguridad de los datos pueden variar en función del modo en que utilices la aplicación, la región donde vayas a usarla y tu edad. El desarrollador ha proporcionado esta información y es posible que la actualice a lo largo del tiempo.
No se comparten datos con terceros
Más información sobre cómo los desarrolladores declaran lo que comparten
Esta aplicación puede recoger estos tipos de datos
Ubicación, Información personal e IDs de dispositivo o de otro tipo
Los datos no se cifran
Los datos no se pueden eliminar


Mejoras de usabilidad.
Actualización de paquetes

Asistencia de la aplicación

Información del desarrollador
Marcos Javier Ceresoli
Munilla 2946 1712 Castelar Buenos Aires Argentina

Más de Marcos MC