Checkers Online

آگهی داردخریدهای درون برنامه‌ای
۱٫۳۹ میلیون مرور
+۱۰۰ میلیون
رده‌بندی محتوا
مناسب برای همه
با اشتراک در Google Play Pass، از این بازی به‌صورت رایگان استفاده کنید و از صدها مورد دیگر بدون آگهی و خرید درون‌برنامه‌ای بهره‌مند شوید. بیشتر بدانید

درباره این بازی

Do you remember this board game from your childhood?

Checkers (Draughts) – a traditional and inspiring board game that gives you a lot of fun challenging the computer, playing online multiplayer mode with people from all around the world or with a friend offline. Relax and enjoy Checkers Online wherever you are. Share Checkers with kids and show them the best entertainment from your school days.

Are you a board game enthusiast? Would you like to create or think of a strategy to win? Checkers or Draughts will help you to learn and practice logical thinking. Multiplayer checkers mode will make the game even more fun!

With our app you can:
- Play Checkers for free
- Challenge yourself to 5 different difficulty levels
- Enjoy Checkers Online with multiplayer mode and play against random players according to the rules you like the most!
- Play checkers online with Blitz mode
- Play Checkers offline with friends and family
- Use Hints and Undo moves
- Choose from a variety of boards and piece styles
- Personalise your user profile in Checkers online

Checkers Online no registration

Play Checkers Online with other users in just three steps:
1. Create a profile by choosing an avatar, flag of your country and entering your nickname.
2. Choose the rules you want to play.
3. Start playing and enjoy the Checkers Game.
Compare yourself to other users in multiplayer mode, improve your skills and collect gold!

Blitz mode - perfect for a break

How to play the new blitz mode? Tap ‘’Online game’’, find the Blitz mode with a time control of 3 minutes + 2 seconds for each move, and play! This draughts mode is faster, more dynamic, and really exciting to play. You will have the most delicious fun and a better experience!

5 different levels of difficulty

Let's start from the easiest level and check if you can win against the computer. The more experienced you are, the more likely you are to beat our Checkers Master. Take up the Checkers challenge and go through all 5 levels!

Checkers or Draughts variants and rules: online multiplayer and offline mode

There are many ways to play Checkers (Draughts). Everyone has various habits and usually prefers to play exactly the same way as used to play Checkers in the past, that is why decide on your favorite rules of this game:

American Checkers 🇺🇸 or English Draughts 🇬🇧

Capturing is mandatory, but the pieces cannot capture backward. The king can only move one square and can move and capture backward.

International Draughts

Capturing is mandatory and all the pieces can capture backward. The queen (king) has long moves which means that, if the square is not blocked, the queen can move any distance diagonally.

Spanish Checkers: Damas

Known as Spanish Draughts, based on the international rules, but the pieces cannot capture backward.

Turkish Checkers: Dama

Named also Turkish Draughts. Dark as well as light squares of the checkerboard are used. Pieces start on the second and third rows of a game board, they do not move diagonally but forward and sideways. The way that the kings (queens) move is similar to the chess queens.

Play Checkers and Draughts the way you like the most

You can change game settings and choose your own Checkers app rules e.g. to capture backward or to choose mandatory capture.

Play checkers online, offline with friends or face 5 levels of the game against the computer.
Have a good game!
Best regards,
Chess & Checkers Team

تاریخ به‌روزرسانی
۱۳ تیر ۱۴۰۳

ایمنی داده

ایمنی با درک اینکه توسعه‌دهندگان چگونه داده‌های شما را جمع‌آوری و هم‌رسانی می‌کنند شروع می‌شود. شیوه‌های حفظ امنیت و حریم خصوصی داده‌ها ممکن است براساس استفاده، منطقه، و سن شما متفاوت باشد. توسعه‌دهنده این اطلاعات را ارائه کرده است و ممکن است آن را درطول زمان به‌روزرسانی کند.
این برنامه ممکن است این نوع داده‌ها را با اشخاص ثالث هم‌رسانی کند
مکان، اطلاعات شخصی، و 3 مورد دیگر
این برنامه ممکن است این نوع داده‌ها را جمع‌آوری کند
پیام‌ها و فعالیت‌ها در برنامه
داده‌ها رمزگذاری نمی‌شود
نمی‌توان داده‌ها را حذف کرد

رتبه‌بندی‌ها و مرورها

۱٫۲۸ میلیون مرور
afsane Amir
۲۶ فروردین ۱۴۰۲
خیلی باحاله.خیلی دنبال این بازی بودم که یاد بگیرم
۷ نفر این مرور را مفید دانسته‌اند
مفید بود؟
CC Games
۲۸ فروردین ۱۴۰۲
سلام، خوشحالیم که از شما می شنویم. از بازخورد دلپذیر شما بسیار سپاسگزارم. با احترام
فضل احمد مرادی
۱۰ اسفند ۱۴۰۱
۱۴ نفر این مرور را مفید دانسته‌اند
مفید بود؟
Reza Sharif
۹ دی ۱۴۰۱
۱۹ نفر این مرور را مفید دانسته‌اند
مفید بود؟

ویژگی‌های جدید

📣 Checkers in Dutch! 💥
🎉 Hey, Checkers fans from the Netherlands! 👋 We're excited to announce that the latest version of our app is now available in Dutch! 💥
💡 But that's not all! We've made the app run smoother and faster 💨, so you can focus on strategizing your next move. 🧠
Psst! 📅 Don't forget about the TOURNAMENTS! ⚔️
Ready to play in Dutch? 💪