Basic Calculator: GPA & Math

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Tietoa sovelluksesta

Welcome to the Simple Calculator app! With this math calculator app, you can:
✔️ Currency conversion calculator
✔️ Unit conversion calculator
✔️ World time conversion calculator
✔️ GPA calculator

This phone calculator plus app allows you to easily handle all the calculations necessary for everyday life. You can add or remove the functions and constants you need, calculate anything. With all the scientific calculations capability, this easy calculator app is the perfect choice for work and school.

The main feature of basic calculator app
1. General calculator utilities
• Supports 4 basic arithmetic: operations, squaring, parentheses of expressions, and simple scientific operations like: trigonometric and logarithmic functions.
• Quick and easy calculation.
• Calculation history available

2. Unit conversion calculator app
• Supports length, weight, width, volume, time, fuel efficiency.
• Supports unit conversion calculations commonly used in daily life.

3. Currency conversion calculator
• Support calculator to convert multiple world currencies, including dollar, euro, yen, yuan, etc.

4. World time conversion calculator
• Time conversion calculator for world cities.

6. GPA calculator app
• You can correctly calculate your GPA!

General calculator app is an easy basic calculator app for daily simple use, the basic calculator that you need for unit converter and calculations. The calculator pro app offers the regular and scientific calculator functions. This calculator math app sums up all the calculations you need in life, making your life easier than ever.

👉 Hope this smart calculator application will help you in life, make your life faster and easier. This business math calculator app is still in development so your feedback is welcome. If you have any questions about the math calculator app, don't hesitate to contact support email:

Have a nice day 💕


Turvallisuus alkaa siitä, että ymmärrät, miten kehittäjät keräävät ja jakavat dataasi. Datan yksityisyys- ja tietoturvatoimet saattavat vaihdella käytön, alueen ja iän mukaan. Kehittäjä on antanut nämä tiedot ja saattaa päivittää niitä myöhemmin.
Sovellus voi jakaa näitä datatyyppejä kolmansille osapuolille
Laite- tai muut tunnisteet
Dataa ei ole kerätty
Lue, miten kehittäjät ilmoittavat keräämisestä
Data salataan siirron ajaksi
Dataa ei voi poistaa

Arviot ja arvostelut

144 t. arvostelua