Totally customizable companion Flesh and Blood app to keep track of your life total, chains, token counters and more!
Main features:
✦ Screen layout ideal for mobile phone
✦ Customizable FaB-themed landscape backgrounds
✦ Choose your avatar between all Flesh and Blood characters
✦ Add and subtract life with a simple tap (tap and hold for a quick increase/decrease)
✦ Optional token counters:
✧ Coins (copper, silver and gold)
✧ Frostbite
✧ Embodiments of Earth and Light
✧ Quicken
✧ Runechant
✧ Seismic Surge
✧ Soul Shackle
✧ Spectral Shield
✧ Zen State
✦ Blitz and Classic Constructed modes
Mail me if you have any suggestions or if you desire additional options or features.
I will be happy to add them! 😉
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