Habit Tracker

Alkalmazáson belüli vásárlások
81,4 E vélemény
1 M+
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Google Play Pass-előfizetéssel ezt az alkalmazást díjmentesen használhatod, számos további, hirdetésektől és alkalmazáson belüli vásárlásoktól mentes alkalmazással együtt. További információ

Az alkalmazásról

» Organize Your Life!
HabitBull is the most powerful multi-platform companion to keep track of your day to day habits and routines

» Fully Customisable
Measure and track anything and everything. Follow your own schedule and track your own goals. Get notified whenever you need to do something important.

» Cut Bad Habits From Your Life
Simply start tracking bad habits like nail biting, smoking or drinking too much. Once you see the patterns, it's easier to break them. HabitBull keeps you accountable. Also great for users of NoFap!

» Add Some Positive Habits
Want to go for a nice walk every day? Or maybe give 3 hugs every Saturday and Sunday? Join us on this journey!

» Who is it for?
Whether you want to read some more, stop smoking, start working out or even just track how many hours you wasted on Facebook, this app lets you do it!

» Features
•  Track multiple habits, repeated to do's or goals, each in its own calendar
•  Streak counter and percentage successful for each habit
•  Yes/No or Number goals
•  Very flexible goals like: number of times per day/week/month, only on certain days of the week etc. For example: 30 push ups every Mon-Fri, go to the gym 2 times per week, or even every 2 days
•  Inspiring quotes per category - including actual quotes from people doing it (meditation, reading, stop drinking alcohol, stop smoking cigarettes, stop procrastination etc)
•  Graphs with success percentage / streak, entered values etc
•  Powerful reminders - multiple times per day, repeating within a time period, sound and vibrate optional
•  Home screen / lock screen widget
•  Multi-device syncing
•  Cloud backup
•  Motivational images
•  Export to CSV
•  Dark theme
•  Google Fit integration

» How it works:
1. Set up a habit
2. Tell HabitBull how you went for a day
3. Watch your daily streak increase

Habits are no more than routines which you perform subconsciously. To build one - train yourself. To break one, find another one which is similar, yet different and nicer, and repeat it until it sticks.

To assist you with this HabitBull lets you set reminders for each habit and displays them on days when you need to be successful. This is especially useful if you have a to do list with repeating tasks or if you want to be reminded to do the same thing every day. It can also be used as a calendar planning tool or checklist, but also as a very effective repeating reminder (e.g. to drink water every 2 hours).

HabitBull does feel a little like a game in which you compete with yourself. The task is to get a long streak for the habit you are working on by covering your goals. The longer the better. It takes a couple of months to fully build a new routine, so don't give up - it takes time and if you are consistent it will work; even if it takes a few attempts.

There are many things which you may want to improve. HabitBull can be used as a planner in building habits like taking your pills regularly, exercise, or keep to a diet. It can also be used as a helper for people suffering from memory problems. As for your vices, HabitBull can be a useful goal tracking tool, or a smart notebook, to assist you while breaking bad habits like nail-biting, drinking alcohol and even improving your dating skills.
It is entirely up to you, really. But why not give it a try and have a convenient helper on the go?
2024. febr. 25.


A biztonság annak megértésével kezdődik, hogy miként gyűjtik és osztják meg a fejlesztők az adataidat. Az adatvédelemmel és -biztonsággal kapcsolatos gyakorlat a használattól, a régiótól és életkortól függően változhat. A fejlesztő adta meg ezeket az információkat, és idővel frissítheti őket.
Ez az alkalmazás megoszthatja ezeket az adattípusokat harmadik felekkel
Hely, Személyes adatok és további 4
Ez az alkalmazás gyűjtheti ezeket az adattípusokat
Hely, Személyes adatok és további 4
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Kérheted az adatok törlését.

Értékelések és vélemények

79,4 E vélemény
György Scheller
2023. augusztus 28.
Still loving it :)
Hasznosnak találta?
László Zilahi-Brányi
2022. november 17.
It worked fine on android 7. Now I try to use it on android 11, but it almost never shows the notifications, and even when show up one, it doesn't shown on the AOD, though there would be it the most usefull. I've added the app to the battery saving exceptions, also set its notifications to the highest priority, but it didn't get any better.
Hasznosnak találta?
László Balogh
2020. december 22.
Az app remek, de vannak jobbak. Szerintem drága az előfizetés, mert semmivel nem nyújt többet mint egy hasonló app ingyen. Így meg 5 szokással nem lehet kihasználni. De ha sportra vagy leszokásra használod pl cigiről egész jó lehet.
7 személy hasznosnak találta ezt a véleményt.
Hasznosnak találta?


Fixed Facebook login.