Family Tools - Chores App

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Um þetta forrit

Manage family chores with the power of the Family Tools app! Parents can create and manage all family chores from their device. Real-time updates and the ability to create notifications ensure everyone is up-to-date and nothing gets forgotten.

📝 Chores
- Create and organize chore assignments
- Assign a specific due date or list it for anytime
- Make reoccurring chore assignments
- Schedule chore notifications/reminders
- Parents see all of the family chores; a child sees only their own
- Parents can be notified when a child's daily chores are complete

🚀 Plans - Great for Large Family Projects
- Plan large family projects
- Use the power of Calendar, Chores, Notes, and list items together to tackle complex projects
- Break down large chores into consumable steps
- View a plan on a single page

🎁 Rewards - More Fun = More Gets Done
- Keep children engaged with a fun and engaging reward system
- App rewards children for completing each chore
- Unlock fun customization options, such as icons and color schemes

Family Tools is great for family chores, but it also does a lot more. The app can organize and manage children's homework, family events, lists, recipes, and meal planning.

📝 Homework
- Create and organize homework assignments
- Assign a specific due date or do it anytime
- Make reoccurring homework assignments
- Schedule homework notifications/reminders

📅 Calendar - Family Events Calendar
- Everyone can create and view calendar items
- Make one-time, daily, and weekly events
- Integrate with your Google calendar

📋 Lists - Share Your Grocery List
- Create custom lists
- Add custom sections or categories
- Create a list for such things as groceries, ideas, or packing

🍴 Meal Planner & Recipe Book - Easier Dinners
- Quickly generate a meal calendar for the family
- Add recipes and tag them for easy access and use
- Export meal items to your grocery list in seconds

👶 Child Without Email Accounts
- Add child accounts without email addresses
- Share the same device

More unity is something we all need, and the Family Tools organizer with Chores is here to make it easier. Same page, one family, whenever, wherever.

Available in Free and Premium versions.
17. sep. 2024


Öryggi hefst með skilningi á því hvernig þróunaraðilar safna og deila gögnunum þínum. Persónuvernd gagna og öryggisráðstafanir geta verið breytilegar miðað við notkun, svæði og aldur notandans. Þetta eru upplýsingar frá þróunaraðilanum og viðkomandi kann að uppfæra þær með tímanum.
Þetta forrit kann að deila þessum gagnagerðum með þriðju aðilum.
Fjármálaupplýsingar og Skilaboð
Þetta forrit kann að safna þessum gagnagerðum
Staðsetning, Persónuupplýsingar og 2 í viðbót
Gögn eru dulkóðuð í flutningum
Þú getur beðið um að gögnum sé eytt

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110 umsagnir


In this update, we've improved the notification system and boosted the performance and stability of the app.