Coway IoCare

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Coway smart management solution, Coway IoCare.
IoCare is an IoT-based care solution for observing and diagnosing customer’s daily life.

[Key Features]

# Real-Time Monitoring
The IoT air purifier can monitor indoor/outdoor air quality.
The IoT water purifier can monitor water usage information and safety management service status.

# Convenient Control
You can check and control the product anytime and anywhere.
Also, you can voice-control the product with a voice recognition speaker.
Furthermore, IoCare service is being developed to be capable of AI-control to activate smart clean mode of air purifiers in advance by predicting indoor air polution level based on AI reinforcement learning process.
(Voice control/AI control is supported only on some air purifier models)

# Analysis Report
- IoCare provides analysis reports based on the usage history of IoT products and propose customized diagnostic solutions through big data analysis.

# Smart Notification and Product Management
- IoCare provides various contents for optimal product management, including smart diagnosis notifications and consumable replacement cycle guidance.
[Operating Environment]
Some mobile devices may not be supported.
- IoCare supports Android 7.0 OS or later

- IoCare service may differ by product specifications.
- IoCare service may be different for buyers or non-buyers.
- IoCare service is available only when the IoT product is connected to Wi-Fi.
- Coway products supports only 2.4 GHz of Wi-Fi (5 GHz is not supported).
: If the router provides both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz is disabled, make sure to enable 2.4 GHz in the router’s setting.

[OS Permissions]
※ This app requires the following permissions to provide services.
Even if you do not allow optional permissions, you can still use the service.

- Storage(photos and videos, music and audio): Update contents
* IoCare does not access your photos, videos, music, or audio files except for app updates.

- Phone: Calling the customer center
- Notification: Receive push message
- Location: Wi-Fi control for Wi-Fi setup of the product, Provide external air quality information (product's location and your location)
- Camera: Scan barcode for add products
- Local network: Device connection for product pairing

[Supported Products]
< For Korea >
- Water purifier : C(H)P-7210N, C(H)P-8200N/ 8210N/ 8310L, C(H)P-3140N, CHP-5610N, C(H)P-481L/480L, CHP-482L, C(H)P-321N/320N, CHP(I)-390L, CHP-470L, C(H)PI-7400N, C(H)P-7211N, C(H)PI-5810L, NOBLE water purifier, Icon water purifier
- Air purifier : AP-1521/2021/3021, AP-1515D, APMS-1516E, AP-0818A, AP-0119R/S, AP-2219K, NOBLE air purifier
- Bidet : Double care bidet(BAS37/38-A/B)
- Mattress : BEREX Smart Mattress S5, S7
- Others: NOBLE dehumidifier (AD-1221E), NOBLE Humidifier (AM-1421G)

< Outside of Korea >
- Water purifier : Aquamega 200
- Air purifier : Airmega 250S/300S/400S, Airmega AP-1512HHS, NOBLE air purifier
24. okt. 2024


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대한민국 32508 충청남도 공주시 유구읍 유구마곡사로 136-23 (유구리)
+82 2-2172-1942