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Um þetta forrit

Novoville is a Civic Engagement Platform that transforms the way citizens access local services. Thousands of citizens are already using Novoville to improve the places they live in.

Depending on where you live, you can use the brand new Shared Repairs or GetVolunteering services, or simply report an issue you come across in your neighbourhood. These features allow you to improve your home and help your community straight from your mobile device. Download the free Novoville app to get involved!

With Novoville Shared Repairs, you can:

- Create your virtual tenement and contact other owners
- Report your issue & get quotes from Trusted Traders
- Pay into a dedicated digital account

With the GetVolunteering feature, you can:

- Help people in need who live in your area and match your interests
- Submit call logs to your organisation
- See all your submitted call logs and upcoming appointments

With the incident management feature, you can:

- Report issues you come across in your neighbourhood
- Get notified about emergencies, important announcements and events
- Give your opinion on important local matters
13. jún. 2024


Öryggi hefst með skilningi á því hvernig þróunaraðilar safna og deila gögnunum þínum. Persónuvernd gagna og öryggisráðstafanir geta verið breytilegar miðað við notkun, svæði og aldur notandans. Þetta eru upplýsingar frá þróunaraðilanum og viðkomandi kann að uppfæra þær með tímanum.
Þetta forrit kann að deila þessum gagnagerðum með þriðju aðilum.
Forritavirkni og Forritsupplýsingar og afköst
Þetta forrit kann að safna þessum gagnagerðum
Persónuupplýsingar, Fjármálaupplýsingar og 2 í viðbót
Gögn eru dulkóðuð í flutningum
Þú getur beðið um að gögnum sé eytt

Einkunnir og umsagnir

973 umsagnir


- Security and usability updates
- Launched support for multilingual FAQs
- Bug fixes