Osmosis Med Videos & Notes

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Osmosis from Elsevier is a powerful learning platform that helps students learn smarter and retain more information in a visual way. The app offers videos, questions, flashcards, notes and other resources on a range of medical and health topics, from physiology, pathology, pharmacology, and clinical practice.

The Osmosis app is perfect for students who want a deeper understanding of medical topics they encounter in their medical school or health programs, clinical practice, and the board exams (USMLE®, COMLEX-USA®, PANCE®), as well as for teachers who want to bring innovative teaching tools into their curriculum. With its engaging content and easy-to-use interface, the Osmosis app is sure to be a hit with students and educators alike. So don't wait any longer - download the Osmosis app today!

Access our full library of 1,700+ videos, 15,000+ flashcards, and thousands of questions and answers on topics ranging from anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, and clinical practice. It's a great resource for students, teachers, or anyone who wants to learn more about the human body, medicine, and health.

Osmosis is a great resource for the board exam preparation, like USMLE Step 1 and Step 2, COMLEX-USA Level 1 and Level 2, and PANCE, because it offers high-quality board-style questions with explanations. Additionally, Osmosis offers helpful analytics that can help you track your progress and identify any weaknesses. Overall, Osmosis is an excellent resource for anyone preparing for the USMLE Step 1 and Step 2, COMLEX Level 1 and Level 2, and PANCE.

Here are ways Osmosis can help students save time studying and gain the confidence to become the best clinician they can be.

Get through more material faster.
1,700+ core content videos plus hundreds of additional educational and professional development content to help you become the best clinician you can be. Available for offline use.

Truly understand complex topics.
15,000+ flashcards help you identify knowledge gaps and solidify what you’re learning.

Avoid information overload.
Osmosis Notes are quick, done-for-you summaries that make coursework more manageable. Now available to print on our web app and download for offline use through the mobile app.

Reduce exam stress.
2,700+ rigorously reviewed, board-style foundational and clinical questions plus hundreds of additional recall questions with detailed answer explanations.


**Before using this app, please read and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Thank you.**
2. júl. 2024


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