Bedtime Stories for Kids

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Informazioni su questa app

**Mom's Choice GOLD Award - 2019 Winner**

Storytime is learning time with 'Kidlo Bedtime Stories For Kids'! Read 240+ exciting stories including Bedtime stories, Aesop's Fables, Fairy tales, Early reading stories, Moral stories, and more!

All the storybooks in this digital library are available with two options: 'Read By Myself' and 'Read For Me'! 'Read By Myself' will help your little one improve reading skills and 'Read For Me' boosts listening skills! You can also read out the stories to your children. It's the perfect way for parents and kids to bond while reading bedtime stories! :)

Among the huge collection of stories for kids you will find many popular titles as well!

Some of the popular kids stories included are:

*Little Red Riding Hood
*Three Little Pigs
*The Thirsty Crow
*The Boy Who Cried Wolf
*The Fox And The Grapes
...and so many more!

You will get a wide variety of characters, themes, and worlds for your kids to discover in this app! A fun and educational story time for kids.

Here's what you get in Kidlo Bedtime Stories For Kids:
- Every word is highlighted on the screen to help young learners read easily.
- Completely interactive animations to engage your child.
- Cute animated characters to make your kids giggle with joy!
- Achievements board filled with rewards, which motivates kids to read more!
- Recommended storybook suggestions based on kids' interests.
- Simple and easy-to-use app! Ideal for children under the age of 5.
- Four stories are free to read. The remaining stories are available via subscription.

Download the app NOW and enjoy all the amazing stories along with your little one. :)
If you need help or have any feedback, email us at
Ultimo aggiornamento
31 mar 2024

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Valutazioni e recensioni

15.900 recensioni
Angela Ferrari
11 settembre 2020
A pagamento. Primi 14gg gratuiti ma vuole cmq carta come garanzia.
17 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
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Roberta Galizia
27 agosto 2020
A mio figlio sono molto piaciute le storie...
13 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
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Amanda arikhan
15 luglio 2023
Really good
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