There are many places where the sentences in "News" are written in unnatural expressions, and pseudonym reading of Kanji are wrong. 「ニュース」では読み方や送り仮名に間違いがあったり、不自然な言い回しが多々あったりする。
I have updated app to version 2.0 with many usefull features. Could you try app again? I hope I can receive your review update. Thank you
Narayan Devkota
日本語の勉強するために このよりベストアプリないと思います こんなアプリ作っていただきいつもありがとうございます😊
1 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Im getting error about your device not supported japanese, and japanese vocab not audible. pls fix this issue using samsung m31 device with latest update. Hello I tested 2.0 version but still getting same error your device not supported you will not able to hear some words.
I have updated app to version 2.0 with many usefull features. Could you try app again? I hope I can receive your review update. Thank you