Dumpster: Photo/Video Recovery

광고 포함인앱 구매
리뷰 66.4만개
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앱 정보

With over 50 million downloads, Dumpster is the recycle bin for Android, the #1 utility app to recover deleted photos. It's a quick and efficient way to undelete files and recover recently deleted videos and photos from a device or SD card. Data and file recovery has never been easier! ♻️

Accidentally deleted an important photo or video? No need to search for a dedicated photo recovery or recently deleted video recovery tool. With Dumpster, it all comes in one place - you can recover deleted videos, restore photos, undelete recently deleted apps, and other files. Data and photo recovery in seconds! With flexible cloud storage, deep media discovery algorithms, and added security features. Instant video and photo recovery with Dumpster!

Recover Deleted Photos and Videos Easily!

Fantastic Highlights of Dumpster: Photo and Video Recovery App:
✅ Effortlessly backup your Android apps, media files & more.
✅ Instantly retrieve important files, recently deleted apps, recover photos, and videos.
✅ Deleted photo recovery tool - photo recovery with ease!
✅ Deleted video recovery, restore deleted photos, or undelete any media.
✅ No need to root your device.
✅ Backup photos and videos to cloud storage*
✅ Lock screen capabilities*
✅ Custom themes & designs*
* Comes with a premium account.

Backup & file recovery
Dumpster works precisely like a recycle bin for your phone! Once you've downloaded the app, it'll automatically backup your recently deleted data without root privileges, allowing you to undelete files, restore photos, and recover deleted videos. It's your one-stop shop when you need a deleted photo recovery tool, a handy app to recover videos, or a recycle bin in your pocket. Video, photo, any data file recovery - you name it. Dumpster does it all, the ultimate recycle bin for Android! ✅

Protect your media now to recover deleted photos later
Safeguard your photos, videos, and files with the help of Dumpster's app lock functionality. You'll be able to keep your media files safe from outside viewers and protect your Dumpster data with a 4-digit secure access code.

Instantly Restore Deleted Files

Dumpster turns app restore into a breeze. Deleted apps and photo recovery are instantaneous and straightforward — enter your recycle bin, click on the app you wish to restore, and voila - it will instantly reappear on your device. Dumpster provides backup for all deleted apps, images, videos, documents, etc. No matter what you need to recover, Dumpster can instantly restore it to your device.

Secure cloud storage
Dumpster's unlimited cloud storage is a premium feature enabling users to save all their recently deleted files. Dumpster premium users will enjoy the bonus of an No-ad experience, personalized themes, and app lock capabilities.

We all have thought like this appear in our minds:
"How data recovery works?"
"Is there a decent recently deleted photo and video recovery tool?"
"How to restore photos and recover deleted videos?"
"Is there a recycle bin app?"
"Which tool is the best for all file recovery?" - That's easy! :)
Thankfully, with Dumpster, you can finally focus on something more substantial.

The freedom to make mistakes
Throughout its history, Dumpster became a default app for data recovery. Dumpster is so rich in features that it's got a whole set of nicknames from our amazing users: deleted video recovery app, recycle bin, photo backup app, deleted pictures recovery app, recently deleted photo recovery, or file recovery tool. Regardless of what you call it, once you install Dumpster, you receive a smart tool, which will help protect your valuable files, backup and restore photos, recover recently deleted videos or any other data!

Questions? Head to Dumpster's FAQ: https://dumpsterapp.mobi/faq or contact us at support.dumpster@baloota.com

Discover why Dumpster - Photo and Video Recovery Tool is the #1 video and photo recovery solution.

업데이트 날짜
2024. 9. 3.

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평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 64.9만개
Google 사용자
2020년 3월 14일
업데이트탓인지 해당폴더안에 있었던 파일들이 삭제되어서 보관되고 있는 해당 폴더의 파일들중에 복구를 할 파일들만 복구를 하고나면 해당 폴더안에 있는 선택되지 않았던 파일들이 한꺼번에 전체적으로 복구되는 현상이 생깁니다. 버그 개선되었다고 올라와 있지만 좀 더 개선해야 할것 같아요. 한국어로 답변 바랍니다.
사용자 76명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
2020년 3월 16일
Hi, sorry to hear about this issue. We'll do our best to investigate. Could you please email us at support.dumpster@baloota.com with a description of the problem?
youngdok shin
2024년 5월 1일
헨드폰에서 실수로 지운 파일을 복구하기 위해 이 프로그램을 사용하였습니다. 파일 복구에 성공하여 매우 기쁩니다. 일회성이라 한 번 쓰고 바로 정기결제를 취소(구글스토어 정기결제 취소)했는데 다음달 결제 안되겠죠? 확인 부탁드립니다. 그리고 좋은 프로그램 감사드립니다. I wish u have a good luck! Thank you! 참! 한가지 제안하고 싶은게 있는데 저같은 1회성 이용자를 위하여 무료보다는 1회 사용에 1달라 결제되는 프로그램을 같이 팔면 어떨까 하는 생각입니다. 다음에 다시 이용할 수도 있는데 1회에 1-2달러 또는 1일에 2-3달러정도는 구매할 의향이 있습니다. 그럼 번창하세요!
사용자 19명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
GL Kim
2024년 1월 5일
사진 복구가 다 안됩니다. 당일에 잘못 삭제한 사진을 복구하려고 앱설치를 했고, 무료체험판 이후 정기결제 신청을 해야만 무료체험판을 이용할 수있는데 취소하는 부분이 없습니다. 결제 되지 않도록 취소 요청 드립니다. 메일도 보냈는데 답이 없네요. 무조건 결제하게끔하고 취소 못하게 만들어진 것 같아요. 빨리 취소해주시고 결과 공유 해주세요. 만약 결제 된다면 화날 것 같네요. 취고 하고 신경 끄고 싶은데 계속 신경 써야하잖아요
사용자 48명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
2024년 1월 5일
Hi there. Sorry to hear you don't wish to continue using our service. For privacy and security reasons, we're unable to cancel your subscription, but you can easily do it by visiting the Google Play store's main menu and accessing your account subscriptions. If any further questions, please email us at support.dumpster@baloota.com. Thanks!

새로운 기능

And here we have more updates to further improve your experience.
•• We have made the app even smaller which means it takes up less space on your device 🤓
* LOTS of bugs FIXES

Still having issues? Contact support.dumpster@baloota.com.
We are always happy to help!