Remote for LG TV Smart Control

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리뷰 8.55만개
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앱 정보

📺 Our remote control app for LG smart TV allows you to connect your phone with TV via WiFi and control all funcitonalities - Turn it OFF and ON, control volume, change channels, browse through your favorite apps, etc. Either if you break or lost the physical LG smart TV remote, or you need a backup - We got your back!

With our app, you can directly control TV even when you don`t have a physical remote controle. It is enough to have an Android mobile device and our app will help you to use all functionalities of your smart TV. We are making your TV-watching experience smooth and easy!

How to use it:
✔️ Make sure that your WiFi is turned ON
✔️ Connect your TV and mobile device on WiFi
✔️ Pair your phone with your LG smart TV
✔️ Tap the button to choose the remote controller
✔️ Enjoy using your phon as a remote for LG smart TV!

Turn your phone into a universal remote control for LG smart TVs!

You probably tried a lot of apps in order to control your TV with your mobile device, and often it happened that it doesn`t work. Our app is specifically designed for LG smart TVs, so you can be sure that it will work with your mobile device too! Just connect phone and TV on the same WiFi and tap to pair them - That simple!

Main features:
WiFi Connection - Connect phone and TV with the same WiFi and you will be able to pair them.
Multiple LG Smart TVs - With our app, you can control more TVs, not just one! You can easily switch between devices.
Auto-connection - Once your phone and TV are paired, each time you open the app, your TV will be connected automatically.
Vibrations - When you press buttons on remote, you will feel the light vibrations, which confirm that you pressed it right.
Many Fuctionalities Covered - With your app, you will be able to perform various actions on your TV. Some of them are: Turn ON and OFF, Change channel, Adjust volume, Number keyboard buttons, Color buttons, Mute the sound, Play/Pause/Reverse/Fast Forward, Settings, Menu, Return button, Netflix/Amazon/Youtube buttons, and many other.

➡️➡️➡️ Download our universal remote for LG Smart TV now and start enjoying all the benefits it has to offer! Control your TV smoothly - We are providing you with an intuitive experience of watching TV!


🚨 This app is not an official LG application or any other trademark. We are not affiliated with LG Electronics in any way.
업데이트 날짜
2024. 10. 25.

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개발자 소개
Controlla TV LTD
58 Mitzpe Habira MEVASSERET ZION, 9075224 Israel
+972 52-611-4434

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