Habio - Habit Tracker. 습관만들기!

인앱 구매
리뷰 4.64천개
콘텐츠 등급
스크린샷 이미지
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스크린샷 이미지
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스크린샷 이미지

앱 정보

Habio: Build new habits - change your life!😎 ✨
New habit in a month, new you in a year!
Habio - Holistic Habit Assistant.😍 Your Dose of Pleasure in the Healthy Habits World!

Good habits help us to be happier and have a healthy living. It takes great motivation and regular repetition to form habits you need. ❤️❤️❤️
Habio - Simple Habit Tracker can help you to make this process easier and more pleasant as it was designed along with mental health professionals. 👌
Habio - is not just a simple habit tracker, it is a daily journal which can make a better version of you. 🤩
Try Habio now and you will succeed in boosting your mindfulness & productivity!

Why Habio is good for you?

⭐Simple and beautiful unique interface⚡
⭐Easy onboarding to create your first habit
⭐Calendar app to view your progress 🤩
⭐A lot of material to learn about life-changing habits
⭐As many habits of health as you want 😉
⭐Daily journal to reflect on your progress
⭐Inspirational quotes as your Motivation Assistant🥰
⭐Opportunity to share your insights with friends
⭐Core Course with an award in the end❤️

Follow some easy steps:

✔️Create Habit,
✔️Follow up with planner and statistics, 🗓
✔️Check your active days in the app, 📝
✔️Learn some tips and quotes to build your habit📌
✔️Get timely notifications to remind 🔔

✔️Start course and make your planner ready 🗓
✔️Learn about habits formation, see quote of the day 🧑‍🎓
✔️Do some exercises to make your habit stick💪
✔️Receive check-list as an award🏆

✔️Reflect on your day🤔
✔️Fill in the reflection diary✍️
✔️Answer some questions, leave couple of main insights of the day💡
✔️Understand yourself better 🧡

Habio is made specifically for dynamic, modern people who aspire to improve their quality of life.
Start making your life better now. Get Habio and share the link with your friends.🤗
To get some inspiring mood follow Habio in social networks.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/habio.app/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HabioApp
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/habioapp
업데이트 날짜
2024. 5. 8.

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평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 4.52천개
Singsang Sunghee
2024년 2월 4일
결제 취소했는데 68,058원 결제됐어요???? 환불해주세요
사용자 10명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
Gototop LTD
2024년 2월 21일
Hello! Sorry. We will help you quickly solve the problem. Please contact the support team and we will help you with the billing process quickly. Thank you.

새로운 기능

Thanks for updating Habio!
We are happy to share that the newest Habio version is now available! This update brings a few content updates, technical improvements, and bug fixes based on your feedback. Our team keeps working hard to make sure your experience with the app is smooth and rewarding.
Thanks for being part of the Habio community — we hope you enjoy the update. Feel free to share your feedback on this version, and stay tuned for upcoming releases!