Turnip - Talk to friends

인앱 구매
리뷰 6.42만개
콘텐츠 등급
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지

앱 정보

Turnip, a place to connect with friends, followers and join communities you like. Create your own community groups for friends, family and followers. Talk with them over voice chat, share large photos and videos, host watch parties. Turnip lets you attend, listen & participate in live events and contests of your interest about your favourite books, movies, video games, sports, TV shows, music, technology & win prizes.

Be close to the people you love. With Turnip you can hangout, stay in touch with your friends and followers.
Host watch party - Enjoy hosting & participating in watch parties to watch movies, music, YouTube videos together.
Talk on voice call - With voice chat feature you can invite and talk with more than 16 people at once and works on weakest network connections with low latency. Join on a group voice call with your friends whether gaming or to speak casually.
Share moments - Send text messages, photos, videos, music, stickers, and GIFs, files, documents with your friends on the group chat to share interesting and fun moments. Upload and download large files, photos, videos upto 2GB and share with other people in the community.

Follow communities of your interest
Explore your interests and join any community; whether your interests range in Youtube, celebrities, finance, music, sports, gaming or your own school or college club, you can follow & talk directly with influencers and like-minded people.

Participate in live events and contests
Participate in events and contests, talk to similar minded people over text chat messages and voice call from the comfort of your home. Join anime discussions, sports opinions, pop culture debates, share your music, stories or perform comedy in open mic nights. Win cash prizes and giveaways by participating in contests.

Attend fan-events, talk-shows and radio sessions
Join live event rooms ranging from fun events, to meetups with your favourite influencers. Meet, talk and chat with your favourite youtubers, influencers and celebrities. Listen to social radio events covering trending topics, news updates and gossip.

Create communities for your followers
Run communities with audio, chat rooms and interact with fans, viewers, teammates, friends and family.
Talk to your followers with voice chat or chat about the latest youtube video, answer queries, share advice or post daily updates.
Start watch-parties for movies, music, sports clips, comedy videos or YouTube videos.
People in your community can share their favourite youtube playlists about interesting music, games, and sports.

Socialise and meet people of your wavelength using the live chat messaging feature. Invite friends and community members to join. Voice chat, text and have fun!
업데이트 날짜
2024. 7. 10.

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앱에서 수집할 수 있는 데이터 유형
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