Fight Colorectal Cancer

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À propos de l'application

Are you or a loved one impacted by colorectal cancer? While a diagnosis feels overwhelming and isolating, we have created our Community of Champions in the fight against colorectal cancer to walk alongside and support you every step of the way.

Having a supportive network that truly understands what you're going through is crucial. Our app provides a safe space to connect with others who "get all of it." You can ask questions, share successes, give support, and help others with tips and tricks that have worked for you from treatment and side effects through survivorship or maintenance for life.

Learn more about the things you need to know as a patient that your treatment team might not have told you – or that might have seemed too overwhelming to absorb when they told you – such as becoming informed about your biomarkers or clinical trials. These are not “last resort” topics. They are important pieces to consider from early on in your diagnosis.

Our community members come from all walks of life, but we share a common bond: We have all been impacted by colorectal cancer. A colorectal cancer diagnosis is among the worst things in the world, with no exaggeration. The silver lining is the community of support that understands exactly what you are going through. It is like no other.

Together, we offer the largest collection of practical ideas, stories, and resources for living with this disease. You'll find information on everything from nutrition and exercise to mental health and spirituality. We even talk about financial toxicity, sexual health, and fertility issues that arise from a colorectal cancer diagnosis and treatment. No topic is off-limits.

Join our community and experience the benefits of being part of a supportive network. As a member, you'll have access to a wealth of resources, including articles, videos, and podcasts, as well as the opportunity to connect with others who face – not exactly the same fight that you do, but a very similar one. They truly understand what you're going through.

This app is for anyone impacted by colorectal cancer – whether you're a patient, survivor, caregiver, or loved one. We welcome people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds to join our community, share their stories, interact, and connect.

Download our app today and take the first step toward finding hope and support on your journey with colorectal cancer. One of the first things you’ll realize when you enter our Community of Champions is that no one fights alone.
Date de mise à jour
25 fbl 2025

Sécurité des données

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Position, Informations personnelles et 9 autres
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