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Apie šią programą

The aim of the New Health 'Lifestyle as medicine' program is to provide you, the user, and, among others, sports and lifestyle organizations, healthcare professionals, community workers, teachers and volunteers, with knowledge and tools and to gain more insight into the preventive and health-promoting benefits of an active lifestyle, healthy eating, mental fitness and a healthy lifestyle.
We have used the most recent international guidelines for healthy living from, among others, the WHO and the Health Council and the most recent knowledge from the Combined Lifestyle Intervention and Lifestyle Medicine and have translated this information into a healthy life, easy-to-use video documentary and lifestyle scan.
Within this program we offer the essential insights and knowledge about healthy eating, active living, sports, muscle training, mental fitness and mindset and the risks of unhealthy living. In this way we want to ensure that the knowledge of, among others, the WHO and the Health Council about healthy exercise and healthy eating and a health mindset, is known and applied throughout Europe and beyond.
What can you find in this New Health app
The Lifestyle Scan!
The lifestyle scan is an easy to perform scan in the field of exercise, nutrition and relaxation, based on the Health council exercise and nutritional guidelines correctly advocated. Immediately after filling in, which only takes 5 minutes, you will receive your own pattern and the points for improvement.
De video documentary:
• The turning point of the Homo Sapiens
• Chapter 1 - OUR HEALTH! - The current situation
• Chapter 2 - OUR EVOLUTION - 60.000.000 years
• Chapter 3 - OUR HABITS - How did we use our body and how did we eat
• Chapter 4 - OUR HISTORY OF SPORTS - Further evolution of our physical activity and sports participation
• Chapter 5 - OUR INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTIONS - How machines made us more and more less active!
• Chapter 6 - OUR FOOD INDUSTRY - Where did we lose control?
• Chapter 7 - OUR FUTURE - And the future of our children
• Chapter 8: OUR TURNING POINT: Turning point of Homo Sapiens
• Chapter 9: LIFESTYLE TRIOLOGY: The 3 themes of Lifestyle as medicine!

Part 1 - Exercise as medicine
• Chapter 1 – WHAT HAVE WE BECOME - The inactive Homo Sapiens
• Chapter 2 – WE PAY THE PRICE - The effect of our inactive lifestyle
• Chapter 3 – NOW WE KNOW HOW - Healthy active living recipe
• Chapter 4 – OUR NEXT STEP - Exercise as medicine, how do we do that?
• Chapter 5 – THE NEW US - The Homo Sapiens… back into active living

Part 2 - Food as medicine
• Chapter 1: EVOLUTION OF FOOD - The history of our food
• Chapter 2: WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED - Programmed unhealthy
• Chapter 3: OUR CURENT DIET - How do we eat now?
• Chapter 4: OUR NEXT STEP - The healthy eating ‘recipe’
• Chapter 5: SWITCH TO HEALTHY - Making the food switch
Part 3 - The brain as medicine
• Chapter 1: BRAIN EVOLUTION - The history of our brain
• Chapter 2: WHERE DO WE STAND - Phases of behavior change
• Chapter 3: WHAT DO WE KNOW - Our levels of consciousness
• Chapter 4: SELFCONDITIONING - Food for our sub-consciousness
• Chapter 5: ANCIENCE POWER - The strength of our 3 brains
• Chapter 6: WHAT DO WE NEED - Essential conditions for change
• Chapter 7: POWER WITHIN - Neuroplasticity, placebo and mindset
• Chapter 8: OUR STRONG MIND - Developing more control over our mind
• Chapter 9: THE STRATEGY - Mind(re)set
• Chapter 10: STAY HEALTHY - Lifestyle and mindset
We wish you a lot of viewing pleasure and if you are enthusiastic, feel free to share the information with others and give health as a gift!

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