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Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit
Imazhi i pamjes së ekranit

Rreth këtij aplikacioni

Rahbar is an electronic prescription app consisting of 42 videos for stroke survivors and their caregivers. It was developed through evidence-based research and clinical testing at the Aga Khan University. The app aims to enable caregivers to provide improved care to stroke patients at home in regions where there is a dearth of doctors and nurses and also to prepare them for emergencies. The educational videos contain information that cover topics like what a stroke is; rehabilitation skills; safe swallowing and language; understanding the purpose of medications and how they function; and prevention of further stroke through adoption of lifestyle changes.
Përditësuar më
8 mar 2019

Siguria e të dhënave

Zhvilluesit mund të shfaqin këtu informacione se si aplikacioni i tyre i mbledh dhe përdor të dhënat e tua. Mëso më shumë rreth sigurisë së të dhënave
Nuk ofrohen informacione

Ç'të reja ka

Rahbar is an electronic prescription with videos for stroke patients going home.

Mbështetja e aplikacionit

Rreth zhvilluesit
Office of Research & Graduate Studies Karachi, 74800 Pakistan
+92 333 3881498

Më shumë nga Aga Khan University