Mentor Spaces

39 recensioner
5 tn+

Om appen

We are the world's largest mentorship community for underrepresented professionals.

At Mentor Spaces, we understand you can't be who you can't see. Mentor Spaces connects Black and Latinx early career professionals with mentors to achieve their career goals through conversations with people in the know.

Join career interest-based groups with industry insiders who have been in your shoes. For experienced professionals with little bandwidth, this is where you can give back to the next generation of talent, share your lived experience, and maximize your impact - Lift As You Climb!

+ Clarify Your Goal and Get Matched with Mentors - Have career conversations to make decisions with confidence.
+ Participate in Relevant Conversations - Access experts anytime for resources and advice through virtual conversations and live sessions.
+ Get Referred to Opportunities - Access promising opportunities including jobs, projects, and scholarships before they are posted everywhere else.

Learn more at
Uppdaterades den
19 dec. 2023


Säkerhet börjar med förståelsen av hur utvecklare samlar in och delar din data. Praxis för dataintegritet och säkerhet varierar beroende på användning, region och ålder. Utvecklaren har tillhandahållit denna information och kan uppdatera den med tiden.
Den här appen kan dela data av följande typ med tredje part
Meddelanden och Foton och videor
Den här appen kan samla in data av följande typ
Personliga uppgifter, Meddelanden och 4 till
Data krypteras när den skickas
Du kan begära att datan raderas

Betyg och recensioner

37 recensioner


We’ve launched 1-on-1 Scheduling to make it easier to schedule time with members via live conversations. Mentors can set your availability for mentorship conversations from your profile, set your mentorship hours, and connect your calendar so that your availability is always up-to-date. For those looking to schedule a mentorship conversation with a mentor, you can schedule 1-on-1 conversations with mentors you are connected with from the mentor’s profile!