Real Piano Keyboard

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Real Electric Digital Piano Keyboard for mobile devices.

Ever wanted to learn Piano Keyboard?
Well now you can play Piano every time on your android phone.

Whether you would like to learn or teach the piano, you have come to the right place.

Piano Keyboard is widely used in classical and jazz music for solo and group performances and for composing music and rehearsal.

Piano music player on your android device is so easy to play, anyone can do it. You just need to download to play. As always the best way to learn anything is with practice.
There is no limit to the songs that can be played using Piano but we recommend you start with some simple songs. Learn to play your favorite songs, explore some brand new music or try out a classic piano.

Piano Keyboard has 52 white keys / tiles and 36 black keys / tiles for a total of 88 keys / tiles, seven octaves plus a minor third, from A0 to C8.

Piano android app is so easy to play. Be the maestro with this Piano android app. The most amazing musical instrument for android device. Learn & play the amazing piano anytime & anywhere.

This Piano app has feature of recording any music you play with just a click of record button. All the recording can be accessed form My Recording screen. Piano has a inbuilt music player which will be used to play the piano music you recorded.

The best virtual Piano keyboard with amazing features like Studio quality sound, 3 different instruments (Acoustic, Bright and synthesizer), multi-touch, note aftertouch, volume change, music recording, MIDI track sounds, tablet support, multi window support.

With its unprecedented sound quality, Piano android app is the perfect free piano to learn the basics of music or just having fun.
Oxirgi yangilanish
9-okt, 2023

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