Think and Learn | Parent Conne

8,61 ming ta sharh
1 mln+
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The app helps parents stay up-to-date with their child’s progress and performance from BYJU’S Learning App. A child performs best when her parents help her in her studies on an ongoing basis. The Parent Connect app is designed to provide the real-time update to the parents that helps them be more involved with child's progress.

1. In-depth progress for each subject at the chapter level. This helps parents have a better study plan for their child and focus on the chapters that are lacking.
2. A quick glance through recent achievements by the child. Time to celebrate those little successes.
3. Graphical representation of the amount of time child involved with the BYJU’S Learning App. Understand how much time the child is studying each subject.
4. Test and Practice performance for each subject. Parents can know the subjects that need more attention.
5. Suggested actions for each subject depending on progress and performance of the child in each chapter.

The app aims to build a stronger and closer connect between parent and child. The app is a great help for parents to know when their child needs immediate attention. Parents’ motivation and attention can help a child study lot better and Parent Connect app is a great help for parents in that direction.
Oxirgi yangilanish
16-okt, 2020

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6,65 ming ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

We have replaced proficiency data with absolute numbers to have the exact idea about the progress of your kid.
- More optimisations to make the app faster and bug free