ElectriCalc Pro Calculator

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Electrical Contractors, Designers, Electricians, and Lighting Specialists solve tough electrical calculations in seconds and deliver those solutions in conformance with the latest <b>NEC®.</b>

The official US-based National Electrical Code® (NEC) ElectriCalc® Pro from Calculated Industries for Android is a full-featured emulation of our popular #5065/#5070 models.

Experience the full functionality of our professional handheld <b>calculator</b> right on your Android device with ElectriCalc Pro. This powerful <b>electrical calculator app</b> replicates all features and solutions of our top-rated physical calculator model, giving you a complete <b>electrical reference</b> tool at your fingertips.

Download ElectriCalc Pro, the ultimate electrical calculator app, and experience the power of a professional handheld calculator combined with comprehensive electrical reference data, all in one convenient app for your Android device.

ElectriCalc Pro Solutions:
• Wire Sizes
• Voltage Drop
• Conduit Sizing
• Motor Full-Load Amps
• Fuse and Breaker Sizes
• NEC® Table Number displayed when performing Wire Size calculations
• Service and Equipment Grounding Conductor Sizes
• Enter BTU to find Kilowatts per Hour
• Enter Kilowatts per Hour to find BTU
• Parallel Resistance
• Ohm’s Law Calculations – enter any two values to solve for the third
• Circular MILS wire sizes

Description of ElectriCalc Pro Calculations:
• Work directly in and convert between Amps, Watts, Volts, Volt-Amps, kVA, kW, PF% and EFF%, and DC Resistance 
• Calculate wire sizes per NEC® 310-16 and 310-17; Copper or aluminum, 3Ø/1Ø, 60°C, 75°C, 90°C insulation ratings and 100% or 125% of ampacity. Can also adjust wire sizes for ambient temperatures other than 30◦ C and more than three wires in a raceway 
• Integrated voltage drop solutions. Find minimum VD wire size, maximum length for any given wire size, drop percentage, actual number and percentage of Volts dropped 
• Conduit sizing for 12 types of conduit. Per 2005 and 2008 NEC® Table C1-C12, find the sizing of all common conduits for any combination for #THW, #XHHW, and # THHN wires. 
• Find Motor Full-Load Amps per current NEC®. Works in 1Ø and 3Ø with the newly expanded tables for 3Ø induction (to 500 hp), synchronous (to 200 hp), and DC motors per NEC® 430-247, 430- 248 and 430-250
• Calculates Fuse and Breaker Sizes. Solves fuse and breaker sizes per NEC® 430-52 
• Parallel and derated wire sizing 
• Parallel Resistance 
• NEC Table number displays when performing Wire Size calculations 
• Sizes overload protection per NEC® 430-32 
• Automatically finds NEMA starter sizes
• Calculates service and equipment grounding conductor sizes per NEC®: 250-122 and 250-66; plus works directly in electrical terms. 
• Enter BTU to find Kilowatts per Hour
• Enter Kilowatts per Hour to find BTU
• Ohm’s Law Calculations – enter any two values to solve for the third
• Enter, solve, or convert to Circular MILS wire sizes

In addition to built-in help, the ElectriCalc Pro electrical code calculator is fully compliant with 2023, 2020, 2017, 2014, 2011, 2008, 2005, 2002, 1999, and 1996 NEC®.

Note: Electrical math is universal. However, code-based sizing solutions are based on the US National Electrical Code® (NEC); users in other countries should check with their local Code Officials for applicability.

ElectriCalc(TM) is a trademark of Calculated Industries, Inc.

Intuitive Electrical Calculator with Built-in Tutorials
A comprehensive user manual is also available within the <b>electrical calculator app.</b>

Comprehensive Electrical Reference Data
Solve tough electrical calculations in seconds and deliver those solutions in conformance with the latest <b>NEC®.</b>

Copyright 2024
Oxirgi yangilanish
8-iyn, 2024

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