Sort Puzzle: Water Color Game

10 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

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Dive into the exciting world of sorting liquid puzzles - fun pouring color liquid games that will put your color sorting skills! This addictive 3d puzzle game challenges you to sort colored water in bottles. Try sorting the colored water into the glasses until all the colors are in their own glass!

Your objective is to meticulously arrange colored sand into a variety of containers. This puzzle experience tasks you with arranging colored sand into different containers. Puzzle adventure, where your mission is to skillfully organize colored sand into assorted containers, testing your spatial awareness and logic.

Your goal in the sort liquid puzzle game is to pour the colored water into different glasses, making sure each glass contains the same color. Become a true water master by sorting colors in this liquid bottle game.

It's easy to play! Tap any glass to pour water into another glass and pour liquid of the same color on top so that there is enough space in the glass you pour.

With varying levels of difficulty, this puzzle game 3d will keep you engaged and entertained for hours. Test your skills as you navigate through the challenges of sorting water in water sort games.

Match the colors and enjoy the satisfying water flow as you progress through each level. Don't forget that the difficulty level increases with each level! Train your brain and fill glasses with colored liquids to solve puzzles!

Test yourself with a sorting color game and observe if you have what it takes to conquer levels with the pouring colors. Download and become a color sorting expert in water bottles.

Enjoy the sorting games by filling the colored liquids in glasses in offline water puzzle games! Get sorted by color, match the color game, and become a true master of color sorting in this water sort adventure!

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3-sen, 2024

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