Compass: Direction Compass

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Our Compass is a direction compass application for android, which helps users determine the exact direction fast and easily. Download this digital compass now to navigate quicker and easier than ever

If you want to find east west north south directions to go camping, hiking, traveling and informing you where you are, then Compass, navigation compass is your perfect choice. My compass free is useful when you move to another location or want to determine the direction at a specific location with Direction Compass, magnetic

Outstanding Features of Compass for android - The best direction compass app
⭐ Light capacity, direction compass does not take up much storage in your device
⭐ Compass is designed as a simple and easy-to-use direction compass interface
⭐ Many beautiful digital compass designs in style from classic to modern to choose freely
⭐Compass helps determine the exact east west north south directions in seconds by using the adjectives of the earth to orient
⭐ Directions compass works exactly like a real compass
⭐ Display the angle and east west north south directions on the compass digital accurately and easily to observe
⭐ Compass measurement and sensor of the earth's magnetic field are sensitive and fast
⭐ View and determine any east west north south directions
⭐ Obserse the exact direction compass at the location on the map 🗺 without location restrictions
⭐ Change the compass location simply on the map just by touching the point you want
⭐Qibla compass determines the direction of the Kaaba temple, making it easier for you to determine the direction of prayer

‼‼To take full advantage of the compass free, direction compass during use, please note the following information

⚠️ Use navigation compass with the help of Maps, GPS location, navigation to get the most out of the best compass function
⚠️ The accuracy of the magnetic compass will interfere when the device is near any magnetic objects. Please make sure that the Compass app is away from magnetic objects such as magnets, batteries , or any object made of iron and steel ...
⚠️ If you don't use compass for android for a long time, you need to adjust it so that the magnetic field measurement results are accurate.
⚠️ When the accuracy is poor, adjust the Compass by rotating the phone in the direction of the figure 8 to be able to judge the magnetic field strength in all directions. From that data, the compass app will recognize the true poles of the earth.

By using direction compass, you can comfortably travel, and discover the world at any time without losing direction. Compass digital will help you determine the exact east west north south directions in second. This directions compass is the best compass application you should have in your device. Let's download this Compass and get ready for an unexpected situation! 😉😉😉

All feedback, suggestions related to the Compass app for android, please send to this following address:
Oxirgi yangilanish
8-noy, 2024

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