Carbs on Plate: Carb Counting

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Carbs on Plate (CoP) is the ultimate carb management app for diabetics. It helps you with the daily tasks of carbohydrate counting and tracking and provides you with useful insights on your carb intake and nutrition. Whether you want to eat a balanced diet, follow a special plan, or prepare a school lunch for your child, CoP makes it easy and accurate.

Why choose Carbs on Plate?

✔️ CoP is simple and powerful. It has no distracting or infrequently used features that you might see in other apps. Based on verified data and reliable sources, it focuses on bringing you the most accurate results possible.

✔️ CoP is flexible and convenient. You can create plates (meal journals), search, copy, and plan your plates for the days ahead. You can also customize your plates by adjusting the portion weight, converting the plate content into a custom product, or creating your own products and recipes in the “My Products” user library.

✔️ CoP is informative and transparent. You can see your consumed carbs and other nutrients per plate, single day, last week, month, and 3 months. You can also access Open Food Facts, a crowdsourced database of branded foods with many contributors worldwide. (CoP highly recommends verifying the number of carbohydrates on product packaging)

✔️ CoP is free and user-friendly. CoP is working hard to deliver more value and help for people with diabetes and keep the application free for everyone.
✔️ CoP has a great, intuitive, and simple design, with various application themes for different preferences and moods.
Download Carbs on Plate today and start managing your carbs with ease and confidence! 🍽️

Carbs on Plate is open to suggestions, ideas, and user needs. Get in touch at and the team behind will be happy to assist. You can also report any issues.
Oxirgi yangilanish
6-noy, 2023

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