Aqua Alert

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Do you know that drinking enough aqua regularly is a very important for our health? It can clear up your skin and even helps you to lose weight. So do you drink enough water everyday or do you always forget about it?

Aqua Alert app will remind you to drink aqua regularly and develop useful habit to drink aqua and other liquid everyday. It is simple and very easy aqua reminder app with clear and intuitive interface, detailed aqua log and pretty nice charts of your daily, weekly and monthly water balance. Just set once your aqua alert schedule, receive notifications and drink aqua.

Aqua Reminder app already contains water field to log it. But unlike most of the other aqua alert apps the main advantage of this aqua tracker is the ability to create your own fields. Just add into your aqua reminder tea, coffee, your favorite soda sparkling water, juice, beer, wine or whatever else you want to drink and log it. In this way you can use this aqua log app as any liquid intake tracker. Keep track of your water and any other liquid intake history in one place and manage your health with the help of the best aqua alert app.

Aqua Alert Water Reminder app free features:

- Set your aqua reminder every hour or whenever you want
- Create your own custom aqua tracker fields
- Add useful and informative description to each of them
- Drag and drop fields to sort them
- Delete unused fields or move them to archive in order to maintain history
- Analyze your aqua diary on graphs and via history log
- Export your aqua journal as a spreadsheet (.csv) file
- Share your aqua diary with friends on Facebook and Twitter

Additional features:

- Weight Diary
- Body Sizes Diary
- Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Diary
- Exercise Diary
- Pedometer

Surprise! Just now as a gift along with the downloading this aqua reminder app you are getting a free trial 3 days access to all of premium features to track other important health and fitness parameters. Just try this beautiful aqua alarm app to see how easy and useful it is!

Aqua Alert Water Reminder app is a free and must have assistant that helps you to keep track of your daily water intake. Aqua alarm app supports all the most common liquid units (ml and fl oz) and it is perfect for both men and women, for young and for elderly, for breastfeeding moms or people with health problem, for athletes, bodybuilders and models.
Oxirgi yangilanish
2-iyl, 2023

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