NeoVac myCharge

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NeoVac myCharge

Simple, convenient charging at electric vehicle charging stations via smartphone

See information about your current charge in real time, such as how much energy you have already drawn, current charging power, remaining charging time and cost.
With NeoVac myCharge, you can find electric vehicle charging stations on the public grid via NeoVac’s partner network or stations available for you on private grids. Start, stop, and pay for charging, all in the app.
You’ll get information about the individual charging stations such as their charging fees, availability, compatible plug types, and charging speed.

After your one-time registration, you’ll be able to use your stored payment methods to charge your vehicle and pay at public charging stations in the NeoVac partner network. NeoVac can invoice energy sourced from private and semi-public grids using the Swiss consumption-based energy and water cost calculation (verbrauchsabhängigen Energie- und Wasserkostenabrechnung, VEWA).

Added value for electric vehicle drivers:

- Charging station list and map showing all available charging points throughout the European charging station network
- Live information about the individual charging stations such as their charging fees, availability, compatible plug types, and charging speed
- Direct navigation to your chosen charging station with redirection into Google Maps or Apple Maps
- Start and stop charging using the app
- Real-time information on your current charge
- Pay directly using a credit card via the secure payment processing system
- Built-in QR code scanner to speed up the activation process
- View a history of all your charging invoices

Added value for charging station operators:

- Lease your own charging stations at a fixed price determined by you
- Update information about your own charging stations, their availability, parking costs (per hour), and charging costs (per kWh)
- Simple invoicing process for electric vehicle charging, including direct from NeoVac using the Swiss consumption-based energy and water cost calculation
- Manage public and private availability and access rights for your own charging stations
- Receive payments via a secure payment processing system
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-avg, 2024

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