Darkness and Flame 4 CE

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168 ta sharh
1 ming+
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The evil spirit tricked you. Now you have to make everything right, because others have tried and failed for centuries...

“Darkness and Flame. Enemy in Reflection” is an adventure game in the genre of Hidden Objects, with plenty of mini-games and puzzles, unforgettable characters and complicated quests.

Power of the Flame is restored, Alice and her friends escaped from the Dark Army. In search of a place to rest, they stop at a strange glade and allow themselves to relax...
However, in this new hostile world, one cannot lose its vigilance even for a minute. And the reckoning for carelessness will not take long... Alice finds herself dragged into a battle with the evil that is older than darkness itself.
She'll have to solve questions that many generations of brave men couldn't. This time, friends won't come to the rescue - they have fallen victim to a powerful curse.
Will Alice be able to make everything right? Will she find new friends that are ready to help? She was used to the dangers, but will her courage help in a world where no one hopes for salvation any longer?
Alongside Alice you will explore the pristine beauty of Fertile Lands and find long-forgotten secrets. Solve puzzles and collect everything that can help her stop an ancient evil. Give people a new hope of salvation!

Find out how to stop the ancient force that lured you into a trap
Explore new lands in search of answers and solutions
Solve lots of incredible puzzles
Get help from new friends
Gather amazing collections and find dozens of morphing-objects.

The game is optimized for tablets and phones!

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Oxirgi yangilanish
1-avg, 2023

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- Stability improvements.