Forestal Sync

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The Forestal App bridges the gap between your smartphone and the Forestal Smart Dashboard to unlock the full potential of your advanced Forestal bike. Using the bike’s integrated Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and 4G connectivity you can merge your smart device with your bike to make full use of the Forestal ecosystem. With our application installed you will be able to gather information from your bike, track orders, keep up to date with software and maintenance, find a lost or stolen bike, receive customer service, or simply catch up on the latest Forestal news.

Below are just a few of the amazing benefits the Forestal App offers riders, but development never stops and there are more innovative smart features coming soon.

Use Forestal Sync to;

Record and analyze

Track and record your activity, but learn more about your ride than how far and how fast you rode. Using Forestal's onboard sensors you can monitor G-Force and even airtime!

Left your phone at home, or simply forgotten it? Don't worry! The Forestal Smart Dashboard will still record your ride and then automatically sync with your device the next time you connect with the app.

Set-up guides

Your Forestal bike is an advanced piece of kit but with our in-app guides, you can be riding in next to no time and on a bike perfectly set up to meet your needs. Our guides run you through the set-up of your bike. Tune your suspension to meet your needs, and even learn which EonDrive mode works best on what terrain.

Service guides

Ensure safe and smooth operation by following our in-app service guides including information about your specific Forestal build and dedicated components.

Find My Bike

Never worry about bike security again with Forestal's "Find My Bike" technology.


At the glimpse of a screen, you'll know the health of your Forestal.
Even more, if an issue is detected, you can request that our engineers diagnose your bike remotely from the Forestal Technology Centre in Andorra.

Keep on top of updates

We'll send you notifications when a new software update is available for your Forestal bike with easy-to-follow instructions.
No matter when you purchased it, your bike will always be running smooth and according to the latest developments for the EonDrive system.

Your orders and profile

Track your Forestal orders, and monitor their progress from your own profile.

*Forestal Sync is compatible with all Forestal Aryon SC, Aryon, Cyon, Siryon and Hydra models, and forward compatible with all upcoming Forestal bikes.

**In order to enjoy the features listed, bikes must be registered and user’s Forestal account activated.

***For better accuracy while using the Find My Bike and tracking features please set your location permissions to "Always Allow
Oxirgi yangilanish
12-avg, 2022

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- Improvements and bug fixes

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Dasturchi haqida
+376 355 402