Bluetooth Electronics

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Control your electronic project with an Android device. This app communicates using Bluetooth to an HC-06 or HC-05 Bluetooth module in your project. This app comes with a library containing 11 Bluetooth examples for Arduino. It can also be used with Raspberry Pi or any other rapid prototyping system in which you have included a suitable Bluetooth module to your project.

Ideal for learning electronics in a fun way.
Ideal for rapid prototyping a new idea.
Ideal for exhibiting your project.

Some electronics skills required. Requires an Android device with Bluetooth capability enabled. Version 1.1 only works with Bluetooth Classic. Version 1.2 supports Bluetooth Low Energy and USB connectivity in addition to Bluetooth Classic.

Large selection of controls available including buttons, switches, sliders, pads, lights, gauges, terminals, accelerometers and graphs. Drag and drop them onto the panel grid. Then edit their properties.

20 customisable panels available. Import/Export panels.

Discover, Pair and connect to Bluetooth devices. Then click Run to use the panel.

Library of 10 Arduino Examples to get you started:

LED Brightness - PWM with a Slider control
RC Car demo – Basic Button controls
Persistence of Vision – Text control
Repeater Demo – Send and Receive Terminals
Ultrasonic Distance Sensor - Light Indicator
MEGA Monitor – Graphs
UNO Monitor – More graphs
Temperature and Humidity – Temperature Gauge
Configure HC-06 Demo – In-case you want to change Baud rate
Motor Control Demo – Accelerometer and pad controls

Version 1.3 enables panels to be built/modified with commands sent from connected device.

Finally, You undertake any electronic project at your own risk. Please be careful. Consider what is going to happen to your project if the Bluetooth connection is lost, or the Android device crashes.
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-mar, 2024

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Reytinglar va sharhlar

4,94 ming ta sharh
bobur sobidov
2-avgust, 2021
Nima oz bu umun tushnarsiz
16 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
Buni foydasi tegdimi?
Ahliddin Qo'chqorov
25-may, 2023
It is not working at Android 13. Please update this app.
3 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
Buni foydasi tegdimi?
Faruxbek Tojiboyev
27-may, 2022
Juda zo‘r men ham robotimni shu orqali ishlatdim
13 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
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Nima yangiliklar

v1.50 Various updates/modifications and use of newer code methods to enable app to work on newer devices in 2024. If you are already using the app on an older device and it still works fine, no need to update. This update addresses changes to the android ecosystem since Android 11, mostly regarding saving location and permission changes. Files are now stored in the documents folder in a keuwlsoft/be sub directory and option added to load panels by using clipboard.