State of Survival: Zombie War

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2,31 mln ta sharh
50 mln+
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T (13+)

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Tomb Raider is here! Team up with the legendary Lara Croft in an action-packed 3D survival adventure. Fight to save Becca from the clutches of Himiko, the Sun Queen, and her terrifying Oni Stalker.
Build the fortress, load your guns, fight your way out, and challenge your self in this epic RPG strategy. Face not only Himiko but also relentless zombie hordes. Strategize and fight your way through a world teeming with danger and mystery.

Conquer the dark days and fight to survive your war! Everyone's gotta show what they're made of in the zombie survival showdown! In this world of nightmares, with zombies taking over, you've got to survive and dodge the creeping dead army and infection. In this dark world, facing the ultimate survival challenge, your task is to establish and manage your own shelter, join forces with mighty allies, and take on the zombie war together. You'll need to get smart with your strategy to power up your war skills, blast through the zombie mobs, and keep the invaders at bay.

You are the chef of your shelter, and you could even become the leader of an alliance in this war. Team up with mighty allies, bring in mighty heroes, and together launch a defense against the wave of zombies. You've got to collect resources, strengthen your shelter's build and defense to make sure you and your team can survive this war.

Boost Your Base: To keep your city standing and survive until the very last minute in this total war, upgrading shelter is critical. Focus on upgrade buildings, train your troops, execute your strategy and research to enhance your defense capabilities. Gear up with craft Tempest Arms and Energy Conversion Units for extra protective edge, and enhance your gear to turn the looming threat of the dead into nothing. Plus, you’ll need to gather resources to fuel your base's growth and increase your odds of survival.

Allies and Enemies: In this dark doomsday scenario, you can recruit epic heroes, form alliances, establish an alliance and fight alongside a mighty ally to launch a defense of the capital. You can also join cross-server battles for a confrontation where only the dead are left behind, and fight to survive to the very end. Make and execute your own strategy to guard your shelter and build up your defense against the onslaught from zombies. You can overcome the dark and be the last survivor!

Epic Events: In Survival Royale, you'll be thrown into a survival game and find hope through this black survival. You must escape as the danger zone gradually expands, collect plunder, and equip yourself with a powerful arsenal for your defense against incoming attacks from other players, and become the last survivor of the war. In "Desert Survival," pick your side—human or monster—in a strategic battle survival game where the dark clashes with the light in an epic doomsday face-off. In Paw-some Puzzle Party, you just need to stay relaxed and enjoy the challenge with a crew of skilled cats.

Style in the Apocalypse: join all kinds of survivor challenge events to snag HQ decorations, March Skins, Frames, Guardians, and a whole array of other cool stuff. Each player has their own Collection Hall, displaying a variety of exquisite skins. Even as the last days loom, you can survive in style!

Begin your journey from the last shelter now to change all these and allow everyone to escape from despair and the dark world! The world needs you to fight. Let's survive together in a war filled with doom. In this battle survival game. Are you ready?


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26-okt, 2024

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