Wil Pelvic Floor Trainer

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For a complete experience, you need a Wil Sensor.


Wil is a core training programme that helps you regain control over your pelvic floor muscles. This app tracks your activity, liquid intake and all the while keeps you motivated. The exercises are fun, brief and easily accessible with a special focus on the integration of pelvic floor training within daily life.

Wil follows 3 basic principles:
1. Feel your pelvic floor muscles
2. Coordinate your pelvic floor muscles in daily life
3. Strengthen your back, core and pelvic floor muscles

During the pelvic floor exercise programme, you are supported by Wil Underwear, a beautiful absorbing underwear. After downloading the app you will be asked to sync the sensor to proceed with the training.

Wil is a wearable technology solution born from the philosophy to empower men's everyday. Wil is designed for men who suffer from incontinence, especially after prostate surgery. A social taboo yet a super common condition, we know that mild incontinence impacts your life.

Wil is created by LifeSense Group. We bring medical technology to the consumer market and improve consumer products for medical use. By offering the tools to understand and improve one’s condition, we bring back sense of life!
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-okt, 2021

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