PolarFinder Pro

324 ta sharh
10 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
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This application allows you to make a precise stationing of the mount, excellent especially for astrophotographers and it works in both celestial poles.
In the settings you can choose to exclude the GPS and enter the customized coordinates and / or even a particular date and time in order to know the exact position of the Polaris (northern hemisphere) or Sigma Octantis (southern hemisphere) for a certain place.
This feature is also useful to know the peak of the polar for a specific place directly in the field without having to resort to third applications.
Once the position has been calculated, the polar image will be shown exactly as it should be set in the polar telescope, remembering that it inverts the images (the app also allows real vision).

ATTENTION: To use this app you need to see the Polar star and have a polar scope.

Main features of the app:

1. Possibility to manually enter coordinates,
date and time excluding
the gps;
2. Various reticles available:
- PolarFinder;
- Skywatcher (old and new);
- Ioptron;
- Bresser;
- Astro-Physics;
- Takahashi;
3. Works in both hemispheres;
4. Possibility of activating/deactivating the
view through the polar telescope (inverts
the images);
5. Possibility of activating/deactivating the "Full Screen" view;
6. Possibility of activating/deactivating the "Super Dark" view;
7. Position of the Polaris or of the Octant very
accurate thanks to the
calculation of the phenomenon of the
8. Altimeter;
9. Very accurate help

This app unlike most apps of its kind, takes into account the phenomenon of the Earth's Precession.
The Earth has a rather complex movement, one of them is called the Precession where the rotational axis of Earths slowly changes its orientation and the celestial poles are slowly changing with it. This movement is rather small, around 26,000 years per revolution, but in time it changes the apparent position of celestial objects. As the right-ascension coordinate is used when calculating the hour angle, it is important to consider the effects of precession on the RA coordinate.
For any problems, clarifications, suggestions or suggestions for improvement, write to me. I am at your complete disposal thanks and ...
Clear Skies!
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-mar, 2024

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Via Salaria Vecchia, SNC 02030 Torricella in Sabina Italy

Raffaele Lunari – boshqa ilovalar