Network Surveyor

384 ta sharh
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Metricell’s Surveyor application has been built from the ground up to empower users with the ability to perform a range of comprehensive network coverage and speed tests. Whether you’re looking to run an internet speed test, measure Wi-Fi connectivity or check mobile coverage - Surveyor has the solution for you.

Surveyor incorporates a user-friendly interface that provides everything you need to sample, analyse and visualise connectivity at your home, across key transport routes and in the office.

Key Features:

> Check your internet connection by performing speed tests, whilst simultaneously measuring key Wi-Fi statistics such as signal strength, frequency band, channel number, SSID and BSSID

> Check your mobile signal and collect a range of key coverage statistics across 2G (RxLev), 3G (RSCP), 4G (RSRP, RSRQ, SINR) and 5G (RSRP, RSRQ, SINR) technologies

> Ability to perform and collect data speed test statistics, including Downlink (Mbps), Uplink (Mbps), Latency (ms) and Jitter (ms)

> Check whether connectivity is good enough for popular messaging, video calling, social networking, video streaming and gaming applications

> Step-by-step building survey, with user-defined floorplan and waypoint tagging options, allowing you to map connectivity floor-by-floor, room-by-room

> Route survey, with built-in coverage and speed test features to measure your connection across key roads, railway lines and waterways

> Sampling of network performance in real-time with internet, coverage and serving cell data collected right from your handset and displayed in a map interface

> Retain a history of your tests, to understand how your internet connection, data speeds, mobile and Wi-Fi coverage performance changes overtime

Don't settle for poor coverage, dropped calls and low data speeds from your network provider. Download Metricell’s Surveyor App today and start taking control of your experience, one test at a time!

Surveyor is free to use and does not contain adverts.
Oxirgi yangilanish
3-sen, 2024

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