Sellinam 5.1 for Android is a complete new version that supports Android 11. In addition to Tamil and English keyboards, that include voice typing, this version adds Solvan - an advanced Text-to-Speech utility that reads aloud Tamil and English text.
Major new features in the keyboards include next word prediction, word correction, spelling correction, user-dictionary, short-cuts and many others.
As this is a system wide input method, you may use Sellinam to send SMS messages, Whatsapp, Viber, Skype, Tweet, Facebook and all the fun things you do on your phone --- directly in Tamil. There is no need to cut-and-paste!
Sellinam was first developed for featured phones in the year 2003 and subsequently launched for public usage in 2005, on Ponggal day.
Enjoy Sellinam and please spread the word around if you like this app.
Oxirgi yangilanish
13-sen, 2023