My Body Creator

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222 ta sharh
10 ming+
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Personal nutrition and training program with everything you need to have your desired body structure!

My Body Creator is interactive, self-adaptive software designed to provide its users the necessary information, guidance and advice to achieve their desired body structure. It takes into account anthropometric data as well as individual metabolic and physical capacity and provides accurate and adequate information. It advises when to eat, what type of food and how much should be present in each of the user’s scheduled daily meals. For that purpose the software has a database of foods with recipes, food supplements, salads and liquids strictly selected to best serve the desired objectives. The user has also the option to add and follow a customized training program and to select whether to workout in the gym or at home.

My Body Creator uses a sophisticated algorithm able to monitor and self-adjust in order to achieve the set up goals. Regular automatic updates and notifications are triggered as a consequence of the received user’s feedback. The software creates a dynamic overview of the progress, presented in graphs, tables and charts, so the users are able to easily track their results. My Body Creator contributes to improve eating habits and workout behavior and leads its users to sustainable long-term results.


• The nutrition program takes into account your goal, sex, age, weight, metabolism, level of activity and percentage of body fat.
• Option to select the number of meals per day complying with your selected program.
• Individually calculated exact amount for each meal with detailed information regarding the foods and their nutritional values.
• Distributed throughout the day meals based on your selected sleep and training hours.
• Select and change at any time your food preferences.
• Automatically generated appropriate foods for each meal with the option to replace them with other suitable foods from the software database.
• Automatic software calculation of the exact amount for each newly generated food.
• Option for inclusion of protein powders and food supplements in accordance with your program details.


• The training program takes into account your goal, sex, age, bodybuilding experience, level of activity and percentage of body fat.
• Choose the number of workouts per week and which days to train complying with your selected program.
• Choose your preferred training time of the day complying with your selected program and sleep hours.
• Option to switch between gym exercises and exercises at home.
• Workout description and guidance for the whole training program period.
• Detailed information regarding correct form of every movement, number of sets, number of reps in a set, resting time between sets and between exercises.
• Available picture and video for each exercise.
• Dynamic workout assistant keeping track of break time and exercise time.
• Available list of appropriate alternative exercises for each exercise.


• Required feedback for each meal and training whether it has been done.
• Dynamic calculation of the achieved success rate and level of program completion.
• Measurements follow up with graphs and gallery to upload your photos.
• Automatic software adaptation based on your received input and your measurements updates.
• Notifications for meals, trainings, water consumption, pending updates and other important information.


• Available wide range of appropriate foods with recipes and salads.
• Each recipe contains detailed information regarding the required ingredients, how to be prepared and the needed time for preparation.
• Picture for each recipe and implemented search engine for easier selection.
• Available grocery list on a daily and weekly basis.
Oxirgi yangilanish
10-mar, 2024

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