Remote for Samsung TV

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172 ming ta sharh
10 mln+
Yoshga oid cheklov
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"Remote for Samsung TV" is a virtual remote control that lets you control your TV. The application is completely free.

To use the remote, you must have your mobile / tablet on the same wifi network as your TV and you have to accept the message that appears on your TV. Because the application runs through the wireless network, it is not necessary to be near the TV.

If by mistake you have refused the confirmation message on your TV ( Message for establishing communication ), it is possible to change your selection by going to :
/ Menu / Network / AllShare Settings

In addition to a beautiful design of the remote control, you can use all the functionality of the real remote.

The application works with the following tv :
- Series C (2010) with internet
- Series D (2011) with All Share
- Series E (2012) with All Share
- Series F (2013) with All Share

This app is neither an official Samsung product, nor are we affiliated with the Samsung Electronics company.
Oxirgi yangilanish
7-may, 2024

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Updated SDKs for security, performance and stability improvements.