Domestic Violence Prevention

90 ta sharh
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An Official U.S. Navy mobile application, produced by MyNavy HR IT Solutions

The Navy's Domestic Violence Prevention – All Hands mobile application, revised for 2022, is a training and resource tool that provides easy access to information and instructions about the prevention of domestic violence and child abuse. The training provided on the app fulfills the new Domestic Violence Prevention General Military Training (GMT) found on MyNavy Portal. This training became mandatory for all hands on 1 October 2022.

The 2022 upgrade features new materials, videos and creative interfaces to make this required training more intuitive, interactive and educational. The upgrade includes information about healthy relationships, intimate partner abuse, reporting options, and the requirement for all instances of child abuse to be reported to the Family Advocacy Program. The DVP-AH app is designed to satisfy the following learning objectives:
-- Define domestic abuse, intimate partner abuse and child abuse
-- Identify the types of violence
-- Identify some factors associated with becoming an abuser
-- Identify the cycle of domestic violence
-- Identify some tactics used by abusers in domestic violence cases
-- Identify some ways domestic violence affects children
-- Identify domestic violence and intimate partner reporting options
-- Identify requirements for reporting any suspected child abuse
-- Identify support services and helpful resources

In addition, the app provides links to key DVP-AH resources and an "Emergency" contacts section that offers information on services like the National Domestic Violence Hotline and the Military Crisis Line.

The DVP-AH app aggregates information from a variety of sources. Information will be checked periodically for accuracy as some of the reference links may become outdated; the app will be updated as needed and released via periodic DVP-AH version updates.

Once training is completed, the app allows the user to document completion in their Electronic Training Jacket (ETJ) using their DODID number. This feature supports the Navy’s ongoing efforts to provide Sailors with the "anytime/anywhere" access to information.

PLEASE NOTE: To successfully submit a course completion using the DVP-AH app, an external e-mail account must be set up on the mobile device being used. For iOS/iPhones, the native e-mail app must be used.
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-avg, 2024

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84 ta sharh

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-- Bug fixes and stability updates