Pedometer - Step Counter Maipo

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"Pedometer - Free Step Counter Maipo" is a very convenient pedometer app that automatically records and calculates your steps, time walked, and calories burnt.
With just one simple screen you can see how far you have walked and your goal for the day, thus giving you motivation to keep jogging daily.
The app also features a monthly calendar screen with a day-by-day visual chart of steps walked, allowing you to combine exercising with your own lifestyle rhythm.
We hope that this app may be of use for people on a diet, or generally looking to get more exercise.
Let's try 10,000 steps a day with this free app !

How to use:
Launch the app, and it starts counting the number of steps automatically.
After that, just put it in your pocket or bag while walking, and the app will automatically count the number of steps, and measure distance, burnt calories and time.
The measurement results of other dates can be checked by swiping right and left.

- Daily step number, distance, time, and burnt calories automatically calculated.
- By monthly calendar, the number of steps of the month can be checked for each day.
- Colorful 8 alternate theme colors
- Low power usage for conserving battery

[ Important ]
Supported devices:
- Models compatible with the step counting sensor
* Please note that some models do not compatible with pedometer sensors, even if the model is Android 4.4 or more.

Features of paid version:
- Ads will be hidden.
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-avg, 2024

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