GPS Tracking: Speed Pedometer

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Transform your device into a powerful speedometer and odometer with GPS Speedometer. This reliable and easy-to-use app allows you to accurately measure your speed and distance traveled while also staying aware of speed limits and providing essential driving information.

Key Features:

Real-time Speed Tracking: Utilizing advanced GPS technology, GPS Speedometer provides precise speed readings in real-time. Stay informed about your current speed, ensuring a safe and responsible driving experience.

Odometer and Trip Meter: Keep track of your total distance traveled with the built-in odometer. Additionally, the trip meter allows you to monitor distance for individual trips, making it convenient for both short commutes and long journeys.

Speed Limit Alert: Set your desired speed limit, and GPS Speedometer will notify you with an alert with sound effect and vibration if you exceed it. Avoid speeding tickets and maintain a steady pace with this essential feature.

Data Logging: Access a detailed history of your trips and speeds. Review and analyze your driving patterns, average speeds, and distance covered over time.

Customizable Speed Units: Choose between miles per hour (mph), kilometers per hour (km/h), or knots (kts) to display your speed in the unit that suits you best.

Minimal Battery Consumption: GPS Speedometer is designed to minimize battery usage while running in the background, ensuring optimal performance and long-lasting battery life.

User-Friendly Interface: Enjoy a sleek and intuitive interface that makes navigating through the app effortless. The clean design provides a pleasant user experience for users of all ages.

Whether you're a professional driver, cycling enthusiast, or simply want to monitor your speed during outdoor activities, GPS Speedometer is the ultimate companion. Download now and experience the precision and convenience of having a speedometer right in your pocket.
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-apr, 2024

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Version 0.0.6 includes new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements for a better user experience.