PictoDroid Lite

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PictoDroid Lite is an application for Android devices that allows users to communicate through the use of pictograms or Picts (signs that represent schematically a symbol, a real object or a figure).

Kids with communication problems enjoy communication thanks to PictoDroid Lite, it offers pictographic communication for everyone. Used by many kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

This Lite version only allows to express very specific actions in the punctual mode, creating sentences starting with:

-let's go to...
-I want to play...
-I want to go to the bathroom...
-I want to drink...
-I want to eat....
-I am...

Upon the selection of each Pict, the system proceeds to read the pict selected.

In accumulative mode, it allows the creation of simple sentences, by the selection of subjects, verbs, objects, adverbs and adjectives. Upon the completion of the whole sentence created by picts, the system reads the complete sentence.

All Picts may be modified or deleted and you may add as many as needed. The process is explained in the application manual available in www.accegal.org. If you have questions or difficulty in setting PictoDroid Lite you can contact us by email contacto@accegal.org and we will try to help you.

The user's guide is available in http://www.accegal.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/manual-pictodroid-lite-english-v2.pdf

The picts in english for the punctual mode can be found in http://www.accegal.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/PictoDroidLite.zip and for the accumulative mode in http://www.accegal.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/PictoDroidLite_AC.zip. To use them just remove the folders PictoDroidLite and PictoDroidLite_AC in the internal memory of your tablet or cell phone, and substitute them for the folders in the previous zip files.

The application uses the Picts of ARASAAC (http://arasaac.org/), created by Sergio Palao and distributed with Creative Commons license (BY-NC-SA), but you can configure it to use other Picts and even real images.

To make the voice synthesizer work:
For version 2.1:
- Go to page http://code.google.com/p/eyes-free/downloads/list and download packages "tts_3.1_market.apk" and "com.svox.langpack.installer_1.0.1.apk". Install them on the device.

From version 2.2:
- Go to "Settings> Voice Input and Output", click on "Settings speech synthesis" and then "Install voice data files."

Privacy Policy: http://www.accegal.org/privacy-policy-pictodroid-lite/
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-avg, 2023

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